Serving with Circle of the Beloved
What We Do
During the 2021/22 program year, our fellows are serving the community via St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church, St. Nicolas Episcopal Church, Boys and Girls Club of Minneapolis and Minnesota Public Radio. Check them out and see what wonderful ways they are changing our community.
Where We Live
Liberty House is the former rectory of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church on the north side of Minneapolis and where our residents stay during their year of service. Circle is truly blessed to be in partnership with the great folks of St. Andrews and consider their parish another 'home' for the fellows to seek community and worship. We have set up a prayer room which is full of windows for a wonderful view of the world outside and currently the kitchen always seems to be busy with the fellows sharing recipes and friendship!
Our Community
Circle of the Beloved offers placements for young adults ages in their 20s and some of our fellows have been AmeriCorps volunteers. We seek to be in community with one another on a regular basis each week, praying together, learning together and forming life long friendships along the way.
What a fantastic 2021/22 year our fellows are experiencing! Read about the important work Megan is doing at St. Nicholas in Richfield.
During the 2021/22 program year, our fellows are serving the community via St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church, St. Nicolas Episcopal Church, Boys and Girls Club of Minneapolis and Minnesota Public Radio. Check them out and see what wonderful ways they are changing our community.
Where We Live
Liberty House is the former rectory of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church on the north side of Minneapolis and where our residents stay during their year of service. Circle is truly blessed to be in partnership with the great folks of St. Andrews and consider their parish another 'home' for the fellows to seek community and worship. We have set up a prayer room which is full of windows for a wonderful view of the world outside and currently the kitchen always seems to be busy with the fellows sharing recipes and friendship!
Our Community
Circle of the Beloved offers placements for young adults ages in their 20s and some of our fellows have been AmeriCorps volunteers. We seek to be in community with one another on a regular basis each week, praying together, learning together and forming life long friendships along the way.
What a fantastic 2021/22 year our fellows are experiencing! Read about the important work Megan is doing at St. Nicholas in Richfield.